Watching March Madness takes on the added bonus of catching a glimpse of the hottest sweaty pits in the nation. CBS would do its ratings a favor if they kept the camera on guys at the foul line, facing the player head-on without cutting away as soon as he raises his arms to make his throw. You can smell the phermones from miles away.
And when it comes to a national champion, it seems UConn really does take the cake, or cakes... They really are No. 1.
A friend sent me a link to this little film, and it's really good. The title of it is "Chaser," and as you'll see, our protagonist Zach is chasing more than a bug.
Kudos to filmmaker Sal Bardo (he appears in the subway scene I believe) and to actor Max Rhyser (the beautiful Zach) for a film that makes you think.
In Brooklyn, where "bums" is not a 4-letter word and Jackie Robinson struck down the color barrier in Major League Baseball, another athlete has struck down another barrier. Jason Collins, who came out openly as gay last year after being cut from his last NBA team, was signed to a temp contract by the Nets and played his first game Sunday, helping to win not just the game but also helping to further the cause of gay athletes in all sports, all levels, for all time. With Michael Sam ready to break open the gay drought in pro football, Jason Collins' 10 minutes of playing time on Sunday should effectively end all such taboos in all sports from this point forward.
The fact that both Jason and Michael are black men makes this moment even more significant, especially for someone who has made no secret of a long fascination (fixation more like it, right?) with strong, dominant black tops. But all that petty puppy love aside, this is really a great time to be a sports fan. I recently saw the movie "42" about Jackie Robinson's efforts to break the color barrier in baseball, and I was really moved by an early scene where a young black kid was so enamored of Jackie when he was playing in the minors in Florida that he camped out at the train station the day Jackie was to join his new team up north, just to catch a glimpse of this new idol. Before boarding the train, Jackie turned around and handed his young fan a baseball. As the train rolled away, this exuberant little black kid ran alongside as fast as he could, not wanting to let Jackie or the train out of sight. You could see the inspiration bursting from this boy's face. And you were dying to know who this kid was. As the movie ended and the credits rolled, there was the picture of this little kid again, along with a blurb telling you who he grew up to be. He was Ed Charles, one of the Amazing Mets of 1969 who won the World Series that year. I can only hope the boys and girls who watch Jason Collins today are inspired to be true to themselves as they grow up, unafraid to let people know who they are, even if they're gay. Thank you Jason. --will
New Year's Eve was set up finally as the time for a long-awaited fantasy of mine, and thanks to a summer fuck bud it really happened: 5 hung black tops, 1 white boy and a sling. Lots of poppers, lots of lube, no condoms. My only request was that the guys all be negative. It had caused a bit of a rift between my fuck bud and his uncle, who was one of the tops originally slated to get in line. He was superhung around 9, a real black daddy type, and a fuck I was really looking forward to until my bud told me his uncle was positive. I had to ask that he not be there, and that not only postponed the gangbang but also got the uncle pissed off with his nephew. Sorry bro... A couple of days before the new date my bud told me that one of the tops was poz but undetectable. I thought about it, knew that I've had a dick or two in similar straits, so it was still a go. In a way, it was hotter, since I didn't know which one it was. I got to the house and it was secluded enough I knew noise would not be a factor. As it turned out, it wasn't even an issue. These guys were so down low, they hardly said a word, let alone made any sounds. And one of them, in a cool sort of way, was actually a deaf mute. And he was by far the hottest.
All were toned, tall and 2 were uncut. The biggest cock was close to 9 inches, the others from 71/2 to 8. I was definitely in the right place, doing exactly what I'd always wanted to do. The playroom was in the cellar, and it had the potential to evolve into an amazing party place if they added a few more things, like a TV for porn, a couple more slings, maybe a fuck bench. As it was, it had all I needed. A sling attached to the bare ceiling beams and speakers for some of my favorite fuck tunes. I walked in with my buddy, all but one of the other four were already there and already naked, so I wasted no time and stripped down. I left my socks on but as soon as I got in the sling, my buddy took them off as he put my feet in the straps. Totally naked was how he wanted me. Since he had set this up, he went first, and he started by going down on my cock for a few minutes, then sliding his tongue down to my crack and teasing my hole. He got me loosened up a little with his finger, then stood up and started applying the lube to his dick and my hole. I had brought a couple of bottles of my favorite poppers, and had one with me in the sling. The cute one took it out of my hand and offered to hold it to my nose for me, and that's when I found out he was deaf and couldn't talk. Smiling the whole time, he motioned with his hands to communicate, not sign language since I didn't know it and neither did most of the other guys. He took a hit himself, then offered me one, and the rest of the night one of the guys would have me take several deep hits now and then. I was going to be waited on while hosting their cocks. Sweet. My buddy is a little over 8 inches and thick. I was tight, but he knew the drill from our previous hookups and went slow at first. I could feel my shitter warming up, my head was swimming with poppers and anticipation, and the tune on the speaker was a low, sexy drumbeat pounding that would go on and on for most of the night. Within about 10 minutes that cock was going in and out pretty good, my hole was opened up and I was good to go for the rest of the night. I don't think my buddy shot his load that first round, and in fact all night long I could never really tell if they came or not with only a few exceptions, like when I'd see some cum still leaking as they backed away and fed it to me, or maybe it was residue from a previous load. I found out my ass got a good breeding though, once I got home (I know I don't have to paint you a picture). When my bud backed away still strokin' his cock, the very next top was the biggest, so I thought, here we go, I'm going to be ruined for the others. But it was totally cool... My ass was feeling fine, I had cleaned out and fasted for a day and a half in advance, so my cunt was literally starving for cock. He banged hard from the get-go and I was fuckin' delirious rockin' back and forth on his pole. So serious, he was the quietest of the bunch. Grunts were few. I was the loudest there of course, and the sound of those chains was like music in itself. This guy went about 15 minutes, and again I don't think he came that first run. But I was now opened up for good and the rest of the night my hole was a whore wanting more and more. Sometime during this session the 5th member of the party showed up, and I watched him strip naked then walk over to me to offer his uncut boner to my lips. No one had thought to do this yet, so I was like, Fuck Yeah. I was rockin' back and forth a bit so I couldn't really suck him, but he slapped me in the face with that foreskin a few times and I knew in between fucks I'd start getting cock in my throat on a regular basis the rest of the night, and some of that cock was fresh out of my hole. I'd take a huge hit off poppers, then clean a cummy cock. One by one the other three got their first cracks at my ass, and as it happened the hottest was the last, the deaf guy was the cleanup hitter. I was so fucking turned on looking up between my legs to see this adonis of a black top enjoying the hell out of my stretched-out white pussy that I could've stayed there the rest of my life. He took at least a half hour and I didn't want him to stop. His fuck was the first one where I knew for sure I'd been seeded, and I was so fucking happy. He was very sexy afterward, leaning over to lick my chest, suck and nibble my nipples and, yes, tongue kiss me while we were both still breathing heavy from his fuck. I just wanted to have him adopt me and live happily ever after while he taught me the language of signing. That was pretty much how the first hour or so went. I ended up getting fucked for roughly 4 hours straight with only 2 breaks for me to try and take a leak. lol... I seem to dry up when getting fucked, so even though it felt like I had to go, very little came out. Then, after a longer break of about a half hour, I was back in the sling for a final round that went about an hour more. The bonus of this house was that, through sliding glass doors from the cellar, there was a hot tub outside. We were in the northeastern U.S., and New Year's Eve was fucking FREEZING, but man that hot tub was sweet. Some of the guys were going in during the course of the gangbang then getting back in line for another round on my ass. So when I had a chance to climb in, only my fuck buddy joined me for a nice break. The sky was clear and the stars were all out and it was so fucking relaxing, just what I needed for the final round. I put my ass up to one of the jets and let it get rinsed out, which is probably not cool in a hot tub but what the fuck, right? Other than my fuck bud, I have no idea what the other guys' names were. I'm sure they knew mine but there were no introductions, nobody called me by my name, and there was very little convo as I said at the start. It was strictly a breed and seed the white boy night for some DL brothers, and I think we all went home happy as shit. I had to drive a couple of hours home, and then, believe it or not, go to work that night (i know, right? FUCK), but I had no accidents in the pants and when I finally got home, I slept for about 12 hours. Took me a few days to really not feel tired, so even though I was kept in a sling most of the time, I really felt like I got a good workout. It has also taken me a while to get around to writing this up, so apologies for that... One more item off my bucket list, or in this case, my Fuckit List. ;-)
I shared this with a couple of guys from Xtube, and thought I'd share it with the rest of you...
One of my hottest hookups ever
was with a semi regular fuckbud at the time, and one day I texted him,
saying the front door would be unlocked for the next 24 hours or so,
that I would be in the house all day naked going about my usual routine
but without any clothes on, and that he was welcome to come anytime, let
himself in, and the moment he was inside I would be his fuck slave. He
texted back asking if that applied to any hour of the day or night, I
replied yes, and when I went to bed around midnight I had a feeling i
was going to wake up to bare cock in my face....
Sure enough it was around 3 in the morning when I woke up feeling cold
and realized dumbly that all my sheets were off me for some reason, and then in the dark, i realized there was a naked guy standing next to my bed, his boner pointing straight at me ... My
fuck bud had come to collect on a promise. But instead of having me suck him
first as he usually did, he was already pouring lube on his cock, then
jumped in bed on top of me, forced me to roll the rest of the way flat and face down, then slipped that snake inside my shitter and
proceeded to rawfuck me like a maniac. (He had always used a condom
He was so fucking turned on, he told me later, by anticipating this all
day long ... going to bed himself at his home knowing he was going to get
up to drive over to my house, lying awake the whole time unable to get
it off his mind, then coming to my door in the middle of the night while
all my neighbors were asleep, quietly letting himself in, sneaking
around the downstairs to make sure I wasn't down there (we had fucked in
the living room before), then tip-toeing up the stairs to my room and
stripping down while watching and listening to me sleeping soundly (I
may have even been snoring a little) ... he said he was so turned by all
of this that he gave up on the rubber and had this overwhelming
caveman-like urge to breed my hole, rape it even, like he was an actual
intruder. And he was so rough I was hurting with my face in the pillows
trying to muffle my cries. It was a superhot fuck and an experience I
have yet to repeat.
What I would love to do is have a guy like that (he was married and
they've since moved to a new house they built) come over sometime and
tie me up in a sling in my basement, fuck a load into me, then leave me
there, promising to return to do me again and untie me, but not saying when, just
leaving me there unable to free myself until he came back, and lie there
for however long not knowing when it will end and seeing how my mind
reacts to that situation. Ideally, I'll hear his car that night, hear
him let himself in, then hear voices as he leads 2 or 3 other guys
through my house showing them around before they all come down to the
cellar to gangrape me by flashlight.
And if they're all black, that would be the killer. I could die in that sling with a smile on my face.
Coming Soon: Journey's End
See these bad boys all lined up in a row? They're advance paperback copies
of my latest novella, *Journey's End*, which will be available May 1.
Me, Myself
faniello on PornHub
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He's got so many hot pics that even after...
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next a...
Nashville Bottom
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Naked Guys With Cameras???
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for a while.
Anyone else missing... feeling a void?
If guys are willing to sen...
The Best Fuck of 2016
I genuinely love a couple of scenes, especially when a travel. One I’ve
used often is “room service” (examples of this scene are here, here and
here). I po...
*A successful orgy takes a lot of you can't have too many
bottoms and only one top...ideally, for most of us is when there are all
tops an...